Death Mask

Folk Mask story

Folk Masks


“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” — British author, philanthropist, film producer, and screenwrite J. K. Rowling (1965)

Funeral ceremonies are part of the habits dedicated to the family cycle, being part of the rites of passage.

Death, burial and all the practices related to these events know a multitude of customs that have preserved in their structure archaic conceptions of the body-soul relationship in life.

The mystery of the Great Passage and the fear felt in the face of this emerging event have favored the perpetuation of many primitive beliefs and practices, one of them being known as Death Masks.

According to the folk beliefs, Death Masks were ancestors who came to release the soul of the dead, and to purify the body and the rest of the family and friends. It was once thought, that Evil Spirits would hunt the lost soul unless it is released to void by his ancestors.

One day will be our day, and we are here to stay!



Folk Masks

6000 generative #NFTs on @ElrondNetwork inspired by traditional Folk Masks of Romania.